
Ispani Sphagnum Peatlands
Approximately 28 km from Batumi, this protected area stretches over 770 hectares and comprises the Kobuleti Strict Nature Reserve (Ispani I) and Kobuleti Managed Nature Reserve (Ispani II). The Ispani Sphagnum Peatlands are on the RAMSAR Convention list of wetlands of international importance.

Ispani Wonders - Sphagnum Dome

Ispani Wonders - Sphagnum Dome - The most pristine live sphagnum (commonly known as peat moss) peatland of the world lies less than 300 m from the coast in Adjara. The Sphagnum Dome is a seeming lake with a 25-45 cm layer of sphagnum that is never entirely submerged in water. Together with the water the peat moss creates a completely smooth dome without any hillocks. The dome rises 4-5 m over its surroundings.

The Ispani peatland is an unexhausted source of oxygen and plays a great part in the cycle of carbon production. At the same time, it plays a significant role in regulating the regional and local climates. The Ispani peatland protects Kobuleti from floods. Sphagnum moss absorbs water in a way similar to a cloud as it can contain much more water than its form would indicate. In 1964, while excavating a drainage canal, an ancient settlement dating back to fourth and third centuries BCE was discovered. Humans are supposed to have settled in the area between five and six thousand years ago.

How to get to Kobuleti Protected areas:

1. A minibus from Batumi to Kobuleti. Fare about 1.5 GEL. Then you have to change for a local Kobuletian minibus, and you’ll be there in 10 minutes.
2. Taxi from Batumi. Cost is about 40-50 GEL.
3. During guided tour.

Activities: Hiking along the bog, birdwatching, ecological masterclass.

Meals: we recommend bringing lunch box with you

Accommodation:  there are no hotels on site, so you can stay overnight at the guesthouses or in Kobuleti

For additional information please visit:

Тел: +995 577 10 18 97

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