Four seasons Ajara

When to visit Ajara?

Located between the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains and filled with ancient churches and castles, Adjara is known for its amazing mountain landscape, delicious wine, unique food and friendly locals. And in addition to the above, Adjara is a popular tourist destination throughout the year!

There is no bad time to visit Adjara. Thanks to its geographical location, it enjoys a humid seacoast subtropical climate. The summers are mostly hot and humid, while the winters are mildly cold. The average annual temperature is  +23 C in summer and +8 in winter. The average humidity is 70-80%. Even when the mountain peaks are covered with snow, the coast of the Black sea enjoys the pleasantly warm weather. So, if you're wondering what would be the best time to visit Adjara, be sure that it can be visited all around the year.


Springtime in Adjara offers longer days, giving the visitors more time to explore the incredible region. During the spring months, you’ll find Adjara in bloom; mountains, fields, gardens and city markets come back to life, bursting with colors and fragrances. The weather is not too hot, nor too cold. There may be frequent rains, so it is recommended to pack a raincoat and an umbrella along with the rest of your luggage.


Summer is the most festive time of year in Adjara, with colorful shows throughout the region, the chance to hike high in the highlands of Adjara, and lovely coastal areas where you can enjoy the sea. The average temperature in summer is 20-30C and it is pleasantly warm during this months. Ajara is home to several resort coastal towns, such as Sarpi, Kvariati, Gonio, Chakvi and Kobuleti rhat are generally packed with tourists during summer.


Autumn is another magical (and popular) time of year in Adjara, with multi-colored trees,harvest activities and incredibly pleasant temperatures. According to the Georgians themselves, the best time to visit Adjara is September. One of the main reason is weather conditions. Warm days stand here until October due to a subtropical climate which provides excellent conditions for seaside holidays, rural tourism and wine tourism. But by the end of October it can be cooler and rainy, so we advise you to  pack quick-dry clothing and rain gear.


Apart from the hustle and bustle of the New Years's holiday, winter is one of the quietest times of the year to visit. The winter temperature in Adjara rarely drops below zero, but the mountains are snow-covered from November until April. Thus, Adjara highlands are idea for winter sports enthusiasts, especially those interestes in skiing.

Weather forecast
Spring - Gallery
5 reasons to visit Ajara in spring

To enjoy discounted accommodation rates;

To spend more time in museums and less time in lines;

To enjoy the scent of blossoming magnolias and camellias;

To taste organically grown strawberries in the highland villages of Adjara;

To fly for less money.

Summer - Gallery
5 reasons to visit Ajara in summer

To enjoy a summer full of festivals and concerts;

To experience the delight of rafting down the raging rivers;

To try the mountain bike routes that are crossing the breathtaking landscapes at high altitude;

To enjoy cliff jumping, standing beneath a waterfall and swimming in a crystal clear river water;

To see endemic plant and animal species while hiking in national parks.

Autumn - Gallery
5 reasons to visit Ajara in fall

To feel the spirit of Adjarian village by visiting the rural festival «Gandagana”;

To participate in citrus picking and grape harvesting;

To watch strikingly massive and fascinating migration of birds through Batumi Bottleneck during peak of migration season;

To visit one of the folk festivals in the mountainous Adjara and and enjoy its cheerful atmosphere and lively shows;

To pamper your taste buds with delicious seasonal food.

Winter - Gallery
5 reasons to visit Ajara in winter

To experience skiing and snowboarding on mountainous ski resorts Goderdzi and Gomarduli;

To enjoy the lack of crowds and have a relaxing holiday;

To spend a crazy New Year party in Georgian style;

To learn how to make the most delicious Georgian New Year's dishes;

To warm up with a strong Georgian grape vodka “chacha”!