
Distance from Batumi: 25 km
Area: 711.8 sq / km
Population: 73 399  people

About 13% of the territory of Adjara are protected areas, reserves and national parks. Most of them are located in the Kobuleti municipality, since it is distinguished by the diversity of flora and fauna. Kobuleti municipality is also unique in that it combines the rare beauty of parks with excellent conditions for beach holidays. The beach is located near the center and occupies the entire coastal strip of the city of Kobuleti. Parks and protected areas provide an excellent opportunity for hiking and exploring the surrounding area. An excellent example of this are the unique peat bogs of Ispani, as well as bird watching locations, which are visited by dozens of scientists and hundreds of tourists from different countries.

What to do in Kobuleti:

Visit arch bridges in Kintrishi gorge

Taste the local dishes- yakhni and borano

Enjoy swimming in the sea

Make a panoramic photo from the Petra fortress

Have a picnic by the river in Mtirala National Park

Watch migratory birds  through binoculars


What to see:

Tsemvana and Kobalauri arch bridges (12th century), Petra fortress (6th century), Pichvnari ancient settlement, ruined churches built in different periods, Tbikeli lake, Tsablnari waterfall.

Places where you can stay overnight, relax for a few days, feel the daily life of the Adjarian village:


Guest houses in the buffer zone of Mtirala National Park - Chakvistavi village, guest houses in Chaisubani-Shuamta and Sakhalvasho villages.

Approximate cost of accommodation / overnight with three meals a day - 50 GEL

Walking routes: 2 walking routes (7 and 15 km) within Mtirala National Park and  the Kintrishi Gorge route.

Transport: taxis depart every half hour from the square near the Batumi Catholic Church and shuttle buses depart from the old Batumi bus station (1, Mayakovsky st. )  Cost: 1.5 GEL


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