
The arch bridge of Tskhemlara was built in the middle ages. It is located on the Machakhela River, 8 km from the village of Adzharistskali. The length of the bridge is 22 meters. The Tskhemlara Bridge differs from other arched bridges in its masonry and small width. The bridge was used by the local population until the 60s of the 20th century, when a new and modern bridge was built. Since 2006, the Tkhsemlara Bridge has been assigned the category of cultural monument of national importance. In 2008, the old stone bridge was restored.

How to get there:

• By public transport that goes from Batumi to Machakhela Gorge. The cost is 2 GEL.

Batumi - Kveda Chkhutuneti - at 16:00

Kveda Chkhutuneti - Batumi at 07:00

• As part of an organized or individual excursion.