
Skhalta village is located in Khulo municipality, Skhalta community, on the right bank of the river Skhaltistskali. This historic village is situated at an altitude of 965 meters above sea level and is 88 km away from Batumi. The beautiful nature of Skhalta gorge enhances Skhalta Monastery, built in the golden age of Georgia, during the reign of King Tamar. It is a monument of great importance and occupies an honorable place among other rare examples of Georgian architecture. Sherip Khimshiashvili, the head of Ajara, who fought and worked against the Turkish invasion, lived in this region. His museum is now located in a house built according to his design in 1873.


What to see:

Skhalta monastery;

Sherip Khimshiashvili museum;

Camping and picnic areas.


How to get there:

The minibus Batumi – Skhalta or Batumi - Tkhilvana, everyday, price - 8 GEL. Address: Batumi Old Bus Station, Mayakovsky St. №1. Taxi 70-100 GEL

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View all the routes of this amazing place

Skhalta-Khikhani Route

  Route Type: Car Route Length: 104.3 km Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours Cellular network coverage: full Season: May-November Altitude: Khikhadziri village is 1 200 m above sea level Khikhani Fortress is 2 235 m above sea level   Cultural and historical route to the Skhalta Gorge and Khikhadziri village. Both points are located in the Khulo municipality. The high mountains, forests, rivers and gorges that make up most of the route ...