

Municipality - Khulo

Distance from Batumi - 100 km; From the center of Khulo - 8 km.

Kurtskhali is a mountainous, alpine village located at 1700 meters above sea level in Khulo, with unique nature and clean air.

Before reaching Kurtskhali, you will pass a number of sights, among them the Uchkho Arched Stone Bridge and the Begoshvili Castle stand out. Hikers will be especially interested in the cascade waterfalls of Uchkho, which have great potential for canyoning - one of the types of adventure tourism.

The village of Kurtskhali is the last village of the community, which moves into the Ghorjomi valley. The population almost does not live here in the winter, but every summer they return to their native hearth and the village is filled with people and life again. Apart from locals, Kurtskhali is visited by many tourists who are in love with the mountains and the Ajarian village. Greenery, untouched nature, traditional wooden houses and red-cheeked children running in front of them attract visitors with their authenticity and simplicity.


Picnic, lighting a bonfire

How to get there

Off-road vehicle. Taxi 100-120 GEL,

Minibus in the direction of Batumi-Uchko, in case of additional payment it is possible to reach the destination.

Address: Batumi Old Bus Station, Mayakovsky St. №1.

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